Olivia Ong - Biān Zǒu Biān Kàn Biān Xiǎng 边走边看边想
Album: Romance
zuò yī tàng suíjī de wǔhòu gōngchē tānxīn de
坐一趟 随机的 午后公车 贪心地
pǐncháng zhe gūdú de xìngfú piànkè
品尝着 孤独的 幸福片刻
kànyīkàn shēnbiān de mòshēng chéngkè zhǐyǒu wǒ
看一看 身边的 陌生乘客 只有我
méi jìhuà bù xiǎodé nǎli xiàchē
没计划 不晓得 哪里下车
ěrjī nèi zhè nǚshēng hēng zhe Fǎwén hǎoxiàng shuō
耳机内 这女声 哼着法文 好像说
zhè lǚchéng yǒu shénme jiāngyào fāshēng
这旅程 有什么 将要发生
kuàilè jiùshì zhèyàng
(Go with the flow, Go with the flow)
ràng wǒ xiǎngshòu zhè huǎnmàn
(Let's take it slow, Let's take it slow)
biān zǒu biān kàn biān xiǎng
(Just let it go, Just let it go)
shēnghuó kěyǐ hěn jiǎndān
(What you wanna do, Where you wanna go)
kàn yī piàn ǒurán de měilì jǐngsè xiǎngyīxiǎng
看一片 偶然的 美丽景色 想一想
guòqù wǒ céngjīng yōngyǒu shénme
过去我 曾经拥有什么
láidào le mǒu yī zhàn ānjìng xiǎozhèn xǐhuan shàng
来到了 某一站 安静小镇 喜欢上
hūxī zhe wú zhònglì de kuàilè
呼吸着 无重力的快乐
kuàilè jiùshì zhèyàng
(Go with the flow, Go with the flow)
ràng wǒ xiǎngshòu zhè huǎnmàn
(Let's take it slow, Let's take it slow)
biān zǒu biān kàn biān xiǎng
(Just let it go, Just let it go)
shēnghuó kěyǐ hěn jiǎndān
(What you wanna do, Where you wanna go)
bié jízhe juédìng shénme jiùràng zhíjué dàilǐng wǒ
别急着 决定什么 就让直觉带领我
bié jízhe xuǎnzé shénme yīqiè zài shuō yòu rúhé
别急着 选择什么 一切再说又如何
kuàilè jiùshì zhèyàng
(Go with the flow, Go with the flow)
ràng wǒ xiǎngshòu zhè huǎnmàn
(Let's take it slow, Let's take it slow)
biān zǒu biān kàn biān xiǎng
(Just let it go, Just let it go)
shēnghuó kěyǐ hěn jiǎndān
(What you wanna do, Where you wanna go)
kuàilè jiùshì zhèyàng
(Go with the flow, Go with the flow)
měihǎo shíguāng gènghǎo yàng
(Let's take it slow, Let's take it slow)
biān zǒu biān kàn biān xiǎng
(Just let it go, Just let it go)
wèilái měi zài yǒu hūrán
(What you wanna do, Where you wanna go)
Olivia Ong - Bian Zou Bian Kan Bian Xiang mp3 download
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